Healthy Tips & Hints

On 20th July Sara Jane was joined by Jo Ann Rotermund, Patricia Iris Kerins & Richard Ellis for a serious but fun share of healthy tips and hints. A few of them are mentioned below along with some we didn’t have time for and at the foot of this blog you will find the video of the program so that you can watch it for yourself.

   Gratitude can turn an ordinary day into a great day. It will make you feel better if you are feeling down or even if you are feeling awful. The act of stopping and writing a list of things you are grateful for will always lift your spirits. Feelings of gratitude release endorphins throughout the body creating health and well-being. Expressing gratitude daily rejuvenates and heals your body.

​   Practising Gratitude is so simple that we may fail to recognise its extraordinary power. Studies show that counting our blessings improves psychological, emotional and physical well-being. People who practice gratitude are an amazing 25 percent happier than those who do not. Imagine the impact this can have on your life!

​   A quote I offer is from my good friend David McLeod who publishes a beautiful and powerful I Am statement daily on his website “I am blessed with endless gratitude, which fuels my ability to release the charge in my old wounds and flow into forgiveness.” And that, I believe, is a powerful key to total health and wellbeing: gratitude and forgiveness.

​Laughter – let yourself Laugh, practise everyday

​Squeeze the Juice of a Lemon Daily into 1 pint of Spring or Mineral Water & Drink


     * Helps decrease the acidity in your body, more of an alkaline environment which cancer hates

     * Good for your skin

​Remove processed sugar from your diet (cancer thrives on processed sugar)

​Get out into the fresh air and sunshine everyday (even when it is raining) – at least a 20 minute brisk walk ~ all 3 of these have multiple benefits for your health and body

​Breathe – make a point on a daily basis of taking at least 3 deep breaths, filling your lungs and then emptying them slowly

​If you are affected by Irritable Leg Syndrome – place a bar of soap (new/unused) in your bed – any will do and when it dries out just scrap off the surface

​Gift o f Healing TV has already shared many programs about different techniques and practises do check out our catch-up pages:

​We also share information about upcoming on-line Free Health Summits:

​You can more about our Guests:

     *  Jo Ann Rotermund author of “The Forgiveness Habit” ~

     *  Patricia Iris Kerins author of VIVA Voche” & “Love” both of which are self-help books – she is also the presenter of the Patricia Iris Kerins Show here on Gift of Healing TV ~

     *  Richard Ellis author of “Reiki & the 7 Chakras” & The Heart of Reiki” ~

​Watch the program here