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Here you will find all things health & wellbeing, including Meditations, Exercises, Interviews with Experts & Practitioners from around the World Sharing Information About Healing Practices and Techniques, Topical Discussions and more.

We also share links to Free Health & Wellbeing related Events and Summits HERE ~ Enjoy exploring and learning.

Wednesday 19th February

Time:  11.30am PST     ~     2.30pm EST     ~     7.30pm GMT

Many of us incarnated at this time to assist humanity in ascending to the New Earth.

We have stored within our DNA knowledge of past lifetimes where we attained mastery and developed abilities that would come in handy in our present lifetime. Part of our life path is to access, remember, and manifest these abilities as part of our service to humanity. Lemurian Seed Crystals are a special type of quartz that have the ability to unlock and activate these memories within you.

Bradford Tilden is an Ambassador for Lemurian Seed Crystals. He will share knowledge about these incredible crystals and how you can tap into their power to embrace the mastery within you.

Join them live to ask questions and comment in the chat.

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Wednesday 26th February

Time:  11.30am PST     ~     2.30pm EST     ~     7.30pm GMT

Jennifer Sproul & Susan Ernst join Sara Jane and Scott, 2 more of the contributing authors in the book Gifts of Wisdom: Practices for Healing & Empowerment.

In this program they will all share thoughts and stories from their own experiences including From Trauma to Transformation: A Well-Integrated Approach to Moving

They share why they chose to share their stories and collaborated as a team.

What is a “Lifequake”?

Join them live to learn more, ask questions and comment in the chat.