Panel Discussions - Catch-Up

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The Gifts of Wisdom Found Within Life’s Experiences

Sara was joined by Janine Savient, Gwenda Smith, Mary-Jo & Steve Halligan

Celebrations: What Are You Celebrating Every Day?

Sara was joined by David McLeod, Junie Moon Schreiber, Sara Troy, Enolia & Jaki King

The Value of YOUR Story

Patricia Iris Kerins & Sheelagh Maria

"When should you apologise and say sorry?"

Linda Woodgate & Janine Savient

"What is the difference between being selfish and being true to yourself?"

Junie Moon Schreiber & David McLeod

Healthy Tips & Hints

Patricia Iris Kerins. Jo Ann Rotermund, Richard Ellis
A Conversation about the Holy Grail, Mary Magdalene, the meaning of life, going in the wrong direction and yes you are important
Sara Jane Answers Your Questions

The Opening & Closing of Life’s Doors

The Soul Talk Guys David McLeod & Tommy Stoffel

“Empowering Self”

Eileen Burns, Manuela Goeb & Rhys Morton-Ross

ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Vanessa Honeybourne & Jennifer Barnes-Hill

Sound Bath

Guest Presenters Shamanic Willow ~ Shamanic Drum, Gregg Chapamn ~ Didgeridoo,  Frequency Fix (diZsa) ~ Crystal Bowls & Dhyanjot~ Gong

Panel Discussion about SAD

Guests Amanda Ellis ~ Colour Therapist, Alan Hopking ~ Herbalist , Vanessa Honeybourne ~ Homoeopath & Jaki King ~ Experiences SAD (Seasonal Affected Disorder)

Valuing & Honouring Yourself

Guests Sue Stone, David McLeod & Tony Brown 

How do you choose who to go to & which Therapies

Guests Gayatri Lindsey, Clara Apollo & Karen Jane

Panel Discussions & Group Shows ~ Catch-Up

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Interviews ~ Catch-UpMeditations ~ Catch-UpExercises ~ Catch-Up