
The Akashic Records: How They Can Assist You?

What are the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records is a term that is becoming increasingly known now compared to six years ago when I was first introduced to it. It is still relatively new to a lot of people so if this is your first time reading about it, welcome!

If you already know about the Akashic Records, I’m excited to share a bit more about this topic as I expand my awareness and experience of working with it for myself and providing consultations for others. I do hope it adds value to you!

The Akashic Records is the collective information about everything and anything that is in existence. This includes information about the past, present and potential future of everything within the universe. This is the collective or universal Akashic Records or the Hall of Records.

As humans are part of the universal consciousness, then we each have our individual Akashic Records too. It’s the deepest and highest level of information about us from the time we come into being from Source/Creator/God (whichever word works best for you), until the time we no longer exist.

The records show us the soul’s path as it journeys through the quantum field of the collective universe.

The Akashic Records is stored in the DNA of the universe and our individual soul records are also encoded within our DNA.

These records can be accessed for information required in order to make positive changes or overcome challenges.

How the Akashic Records Can Assist You

Being able to tap into our Akashic Records is very valuable in helping answer deep questions about us and receiving suggestions to live the life of our dreams, happily.

An Akashic Records consultation gives us access to our soul records to address and heal challenged aspects of us that prevent us from living to our fullest potential. We can eliminate all guess work.

For instance, we can look at why we have addictive patterns, react with pre-conditioned responses, choose certain relationships, choose the families/lineages we’re part of and how to create the life we want in purposeful ways. It’s about connecting more deeply with who we truly are; our soul’s blueprint.

Who Can Access the Akashic Records?

We all have the potential to access at least our own personal Akashic Records, should we choose to or feel so inclined.

The wider collective records are also available to us although certain people have the ability to do so more easily than others. This latter group of people also access the Akashic Records for those who prefer to receive the information rather than access the records themselves.

There are also people who are not interested in receiving any information from the Akashic Records. This is also totally fine. Our lives are lived in the way we choose to and there are no right nor wrong ways to do it.

How to Access the Akashic Records

There are several ways of accessing the Akashic Records.

The key is that the person accessing the records has to be in a very high vibrational state in order the match the very high frequency level of the Akashic field.

  1. A high vibrational visualisation/meditation plus the recital of sacred code or prayer
  2. With guidance through certain high vibrational portals on our planet e.g. the Sphinx in Egypt or a Vortex in Sedona, US. We can do this remotely without being at the geographical location, although it can be even more potent if you’re new to accessing the records.
  3. Through our higher selves, supported by the Source/God/Universal Consciousness, Ascended Masters, Arch Angels etc.

Some people access the Akashic Records by simultaneous live channelling; which means they receive the information and share it at the same time.

Others record the information before conveying it to others.

Business and Other Akashic Records

As mentioned earlier, in addition to individuals, all entities including businesses, buildings, animals, groups of people (the collective) etc. have their Akashic Records that can be accessed for information required in order to make positive changes or overcome challenges.

Final Words and Next Steps …

The calming, healing and clarifying energy of the Akashic Records allows us the freedom to always choose grace in all things. This then overrides any illusion that we may have created that makes us believe that we are separate from our true selves or Source.

As more people awaken to their innate ability to access the Akashic Records, it is one of the most potent tools available on the planet today to support our self-transformation journeys.

Every person experiences their Akashic Records in a unique way. What is usually common is a feeling of calmness, profound love and non-judgement.

Have you had your Akashic Records accessed?

Perhaps you are exploring having your Akashic Records accessed for you? Share your thoughts and experiences with us in the comments. I’d love to read them.

Copyright © Maggie Sarfo 2022

You can listen to Maggie’s interview in the video below

Maggie Sarfo is an international bestselling author, speaker and mentor on Personal Growth and the Akashic Records for people looking to access their highest potential. With over 18 years’ experience in people and business transformation, she combines this with holistic modalities, mentoring, quantum science and DNA healing tools to co-create happiest states with clients. Learn more about her programmes or book your Complimentary 15 min Consultation to explore working together.