Affirmations ~ The Magic of “I Am”

David McLeod

David McLeod is an international speaker/facilitator on the subjects of conscious self-creation and shadow mastery.

As a coach who works with individuals and groups, David shares his passion in supporting the creation and maintenance of powerful, spiritually-rewarding relationships for everyone.

David is the founder the founder of the “Magic of ‘I Am'” and the creator of the popular “Daily Affirmation Program”.

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Magic of “I AM” ~


And here is a taste of some of the Affirmations I use daily

I Am living a fully supported and funded mission

I Am open to all the help and guidance offered to me

I Am the Love of My Life

I Am Special, I Love Me

I Am perfect just the way I Am


I wash away negativity; I wash away fear and anxiety

I wash away negativity; I wash away hurt and pain

I wash away negativity; I wash away anger, frustration and judgement


As I acknowledge and release my past, old wounds heal at last

Now I live for today and know it is special in every way


I Am free of anger pain and fear

I take Gods hand She/He is here

Love, Peace and Harmony are mine

I let the love within me shine


I Am Love, Peace & Harmony

I attract success and wealthy to me

My life is full of joy, happiness and success 

I Am the purest essence of me​


Please feel free to use and/or reword anything that we have shared here and in the program to suit you.

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