Five Types of Spiritual Dreams
By Pamela Cummins
This blog will go over five types of spiritual dreams, which are precognitive, spiritual chapters, deceased visitation, spiritual figures’ visitation, and past life. These dreams can’t scientifically be proved, yet there’s an inner knowing and feeling they’re true. It’s similar to when you have a knowing that someone is lying, dangerous, or they’re your soulmate.
Why do we have spiritual dreams? Sometimes our rational mind dismisses spiritual theories. For instance, you feel the presence of your deceased mother while preparing dinner. But deny it could really be her because she’s been dead for decades. While in your dreams, the feeling of love from your mom is intense and her voice is just like you remember it. Spiritual dreams will bypass our daytime denial.
Five Types of Spiritual Dreams
Let’s go over the five spiritual dream categories with dream examples. Please note, I have changed the names and situations to protect their anonymity.
Precognitive Dreams
Precognitive Dreams are premonitions of the future or what I like to call a heads up dream. These dreams may give you insights into an upcoming health problem, a romantic issue, the end of a relationship, or the death of a loved one.
Often these dreams have symbolism in them, although occasionally they occur exactly as you dreamed. If you haven’t had these types of dreams before, you may have to wait for the situation to occur to recognize the signs of a precognitive dream. This is why it’s important to record your dreams. In time, you will recognize your unique premonition dreams.
Rhiannon dreamed about people gossiping and ganging up on her for something she didn’t do. Six months later, this event occurred at her job when she was falsely accused of stealing. Not only were Rhiannon’s co-workers cruel to her, but she was fired from her job.
Spiritual Chapters
Have you ever heard the expression that chapter is over with? Spiritual chapter dreams signal one part of your life is over with and a new path is ahead of you. These dreams could be about ending, beginning, or both. Topics might be about religion, starting a business, moving to another county, and so forth. At times, they might even have a precognitive theme.
Jimmy was brought up in a fundamentalist Christian family. Several years later, after having the craziest dream, he wanted me to do an analysis on the dream as it still confused him. In a nutshell, Jimmy’s dream was about different ethnic and spiritual groups. He agreed with my interpretation that his dream was guiding him to explore different types of religions and spirituality because he was studying paganism.
Deceased Visitation
Visitation from our deceased loved ones often occurs right after their death to let us know they are okay and still with us. However, these dreams can occur months, years, or decades after their deaths. They usually are simple dreams and feel like an actual visit. You might have a feeling of pure love, speak with words, communicate telepathically, or be sitting at the kitchen table.
Samantha dreamed her father was standing before her at a lake they used to vacation at. He told Samantha how he loved her and was happy. Then he disappeared. She felt relieved he was happy.
Spiritual Figures Visitation
These dreams are similar to deceased visitation, but with religious or spiritual figures. Depending on the person’s background, the dreams may have Jesus, angels, Goddesses, Moses, Buddha, and more… Similar to deceased visitation, they can be simple. Or they can have some type of action. For instance, a client dreamed Jesus put a nail through his hand and it didn’t hurt. These dreams feel very special and healing, too.
My intuition is prompting me to share one of mine. In the 90s, I had a dream where I was lying on a table while a group of angelic beings were healing me. Their primary focus was on my heart charka. Upon awakening, my chest area felt peaceful, although it was sore.
Past Life
There’s usually a knowing in past life dreams that it’s you. You may recognize people from today’s life who are in different bodies. Past life dreams often occur in different time periods. You could be a different sex, ethnicity, and in another role than your current life. These dreams explain why you are the way you are, what you need to work on in this life, and may heal an issue in your current life.
June had a hard time speaking up for herself and was awful at making boundaries. She had a dream that she was a male slave in Mississippi, USA. His family didn’t have enough to eat, so he went up to his master to ask for more. His owner was furious that he had the audacity to ask for more food, whipped him hard, and then made sure they received less food. He refused to eat because he wanted to make sure his family ate. He slowly starved to death. This past life dream helped June speak up and make boundaries.
Last Thoughts
My hope is this blog will help you identify the spiritual category your dream fits into. Even though these types of dreams are usually memorable, it’s a good idea to record them. This way, you have a record of the little details that might be forgotten in time.
To learn more about dreams, please watch the TV show “Guidance from Your Dreams.” See below
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Pamela Cummins has been working on her personal growth and spirituality since 1989 and began helping others in 1993.
Pamela loves helping her clients and students understand their dream meanings and accelerate their personal and spiritual growth.
She is an expert dream interpreter and spiritual growth coach.
Pamela is the author of seven books and four oracle decks on the topics of dream interpretation, personal growth, spirituality and relationships. Learn more about her and her work HERE